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Our projects

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, since February 24, 2022, millions of people have lost their relatives and loved ones on the territory of Ukraine.


Humanitarian demining

Humanitarian mine action

The decision to create a mine action training center of the USU Foundation in Ukraine. It is due to the desire of individual states and terrorist groups to expand the military conflict on the territory of Ukraine with the use of artillery, aviation and sabotage and subversive activities, as a result of which, after the end of the main hostilities, a large number of unexploded ordnance land mines, mines, improvised explosive devices and during the transition to a peaceful life, restoration of infrastructure and economy, professional assistance in humanitarian demining is needed. Humanitarian mine action USU Foundation The center conducts educational activities. Training courses for mine-clearing specialists in the field of countering the use of improvised explosive devices, mine-detection service specialists and specialists in the field of the use of robotic mine-clearing equipment. In all specialties, refresher courses are also available. Instructors from America, Poland and other countries. The Center can carry out the tasks of humanitarian demining of the area in various physical and geographical conditions by clearing the area manually and using robotic means.

Pet Center

Mental health

Other help


Charitable - Foundation

Food supply for military

Lighter, compact, more nutrient-dense, and ready-to-eat food items are a matter of considerable concern for the military personnel responsible for the food supply in the warzone. The importance of military nutrition has evolved over time. In modern warfare a combatant`s body is exposed to enormous physical and neuropsychological stress which means that they cannot get all relevant nutritional elements from the traditional food ration, thus proper nutritional support is of upmost importance for the normal functioning and wellbeing of the soldier.


we are working

Pet Rehabilitation Center

Pet rehabilitation center STEP UP The victims of the war in Ukraine were not only people, but also pet. They faced incredible cruelty, death from hunger and thirst, exploded on mines, died from rocket attacks. Since the beginning of the full-scale war, we have been actively helping animals from the war zone. The rehabilitation center was founded more than 5 years ago. The center includes all health-related physical and psychological aspects of pet rehabilitation. We offer a wide range of services in animal rehabilitation. This is a whole complex aimed at restoring motor functions or adapting the animal to the consequences of irreversible changes. We also work with correction/selection of optimal loads for animals with extremely high loads or animals in the "risk group".
The center includes all health-related physical and psychological aspects of pet rehabilitation, namely:
- Laser therapy
- Electroacupuncture
- Mechanical track
- Work with a quadropedal position
- Correction of behavior
- Therapeutic massage
- Aquatherapy
- Electric track and others.
We offer a wide range of services in animal rehabilitation. This is a whole complex aimed at restoring motor functions or adapting the animal to the consequences of irreversible changes. We also work with correction/selection of optimal loads for animals with extremely high loads or animals in the "risk group".


They help the foundation

Mental health

Concepts in mental health Mental health is a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community. It is an integral component of health and well-being that underpins our individual and collective abilities to make decisions, build relationships and shape the world we live in. Mental health is a basic human right. And it is crucial to personal, community and socio-economic development. Mental health is more than the absence of mental disorders. It exists on a complex continuum, which is experienced differently from one person to the next, with varying degrees of difficulty and distress and potentially very different social and clinical outcomes.
Psychiatric treatment
Treatment of mental disorders is carried out:
psychotherapeutic methods;
medication; individual or family therapy;
physiotherapy procedures;
therapy aimed at stimulating brain activity.


We are family

Other help

The fund supports other social, humanitarian and military projects. Delivery, reception, sorting and distribution of goods to ensure the priority needs of the affected persons. Ordering and delivery of essential goods, medical equipment, medicines, medicines, food and clothing for those in need.

we need your help


Don't be left out!

designed and created by Maryan Vyntu